
Mission Compost is dedicated to working with our community to create partnerships to push the sustainable efforts in San Antonio and surrounding communities.
Mission Compost has partnered with Gardopia Gardens since the Fall of 2022. They have mentored us through growing our business. We love the Gardopia Gardens mission of growing healthy communities through their garden-based learning programs.

Gardopia Gardens works with schools within San Antonio ISD to educate the students on gardening practices to teach them how to grow healthy fruits and vegetables while creating an outdoor classroom for the students to explore and build. Mission Compost has supported their work by donating our time, composting soil, and purchasing 5-gallon bins to help the students with their composting efforts. Check out this video to learn more about this effort

Mission Compost has partnered with Talking Tree Farm to turn your compost into nutrient-rich soil. We love to give the compost to the farmers to support their efforts!

Talking Tree Farm is an amazing farm located outside of San Antonio in Schertz, Texas dedicated to sustainable and healthy living! The team at Talking Tree Farm offers a farm school for children, produce for our community sold at farmers’ markets, and volunteer opportunities to get your hands dirty! The natural homestead the Talking Tree Farm has built is a home away from home. Direct message their team on Instagram to request a tour!

Interested in Starting a Simple Habit with a Great Impact?

Drop-Off Location
Have dinner leftovers, pet hair, or even dryer lint?! All these materials can be composted with Mission Compost. Ready to start today? Click on the below link to start today.
Composting at our drop-off locations offers the opportunity to self-service your bins when it suits your schedule! Check out our different location: DROP-OFF LOCATIONS Click on the below link to start today.
From your break room to the cafeteria and even leftovers from a companywide luncheon, Mission Compost can help your organization to reach your sustainable goals. Fill out the inquiry form below to tell us more about your goals!
Make your event a sustainable one! Mission Compost makes it easy to incorporate a simple amenity for your attendees that makes a huge difference for our community. Fill out the inquiry form to request a quote!